Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"..you should get preggo its great..."

As every educated person knows, the United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate out of any country in the industrialized world. A few facts on pregnancy from Livestrong.com: Teenage mothers are more likely to: Drop out of high school, be and remain single parents, and score lower in math and reading tests. (Personally I the last point is a bit of a stretch but anyways.) Most shocking, ONE-THIRD OF GIRLS GET PREGNANT BEFORE THE AGE OF 20!  So obviously teen pregnancy has become big issue with television shows like MTV's Teen Mom & 16 & Pregnant which were produced to persuade teens to use protection and/or to stop having sex in general. 
Now to the reason this post was made in the first place: There's an area in Florida where a high number of girls between the ages of 15-19 are having children. As a disclaimer this post is not meant to offend, judge, or berate any individual who has a child or is pregnant it is just stating the obvious FACT that teens need to start taking more precautions when it comes to having sex. It is 2010 and one-third of girls will be pregnant before the age of twenty, what does that mean for 2020? If you do have a child and are taking responsibility, I commend you and as most teen mother's say, "I wouldn't trade it for the world." I'm sure that is the case now and I'm sure you're giving your child all they need and more, but go back to the moment you first found out you were pregnant I would be willing to bet you were anything but excited and probably horrified (unless you're living under some delusion) and saw many of your life's goals and opportunities go up in smoke; this is not to say that you won't go on and have an amazing life (case in point: Justin Bieber's mom was a teen when she had him). 

Someone posted their opinion on their Facebook page and this is the HILARITY & OUTRAGE that ensued:

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