Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wanna See A Fashion Show?!

NEW YORK CITY OCTOBER 21, 2010 – FUSION, when I say that word what image appears in your head? Is it a medley of colors swirling and spiraling through the air, or do you imagine the mix or foods that is the ever so popular Asian fusion? A group of students at LIM put their own twist on fusion, fashion fusion or a medley of fashion trends all rolled into one.
The students of LIM’s fashion show production class have put together a fashion show featuring their own application of what they have learned along with student models, student’s styles and even the students own wardrobes! Within the last semester these students have learned the fundamentals of how to put together and conduct a fashion show. Their new found knowledge consists of, but is not limited to, the history of the fashion show and the key players, the different jobs that result in a fully planned show, and the tools that each department needs to put on a successful show.
The theme, Fashion Fusion, was created when the students of the fashion show production class brainstormed different ideas. They realized that all could be incorporated into one interesting yet stylish show. The show is a direct reflection of what the students have learned about the industry via their wonderful professor Ionia Dun Lee, and the skills of working together. This is their final project so get them a good grade and provide a good turn out!
The fashion show will take place Tuesday November 2, 2010; 12 East 53rd Street between Madison and 5th Ave in New York City. The show starts promptly at 4:15pm, seating is on a first come first serve basis so be sure to get there early! The show is FREE and will be featuring raffles, free stuff and even free food! Custom Fabric Flowers will be providing complimentary fusion colored fabric flower pins as well. Many more surprises to come so do not miss it!

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