Here's one of the promo pics for Kourtney & Kim Take New York but lets just get to the real point. She wasn't even at the Union Square subway station in this photo and whoever photoshopped this joint did an over the top job of superimposing her ass in it.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Earn College Credit on a Cruise
Want to study abroad but can't decide where? Well then taking a trip with Semester at Sea is just perfect! With accreditation through the University of Virginia you can earn 4-15 fully transferable credits! The price includes; tuition, room & board (food), and premium health insurance. It's less costly than a semester at a traditional College or University and you go all around the world.
Regional Voyages travel to Spain, The Bahamas, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and Morocco. While Around-the-World voyages sail to Dominica, The Bahamas, Brazil, Ghana, South Africa, Mauritius, India, Singapore, Viet Nam, China, Japan, and Hawaii! Go to for more info!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Well He Didn't Get Away.
If only all criminals were this unfortunate.
Friday, January 28, 2011
What Else Would You Expect from T-Pain?
T-Pain tweeted this picture of his new tattoo that he got while in Hawaii with the caption, "I think this ones pretty sweet, unless facebook shuts down soon 0_o." I would go on a rampage about how this just shows his intelligence level because in (and I'm giving him an extreme exaggeration on this time limit) 20 years when nobody remembers his name and Facebook is replaced with some creepy hi-tech way of communication, he's just going to look like even more of a dumbass than he already does. But, because I've come to realize that you can't expect any intelligent decisions from unintelligent people, I'm just going to end it here.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
It's Paris fashion week and Givenchy came prepared the Spring/Summer 2011 Couture collection is truly a sight to see. The dresses took a total of 6,000 hours to complete and all of the models were Asian, which might have something to do with the collection being inspired by Japanese butoh dancer Kazuo Ohn! I can't wait to see which celebs wear one on the red carpet!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Jersey Shore Season 4 in Italy
Let me just start out by reiterating a commonly known piece of information; Vinny is the only castmember that is full Italian, Snookie & JWoww are absolutely NOT Italian, and the rest of the cast is mixed with Italian and another nationality. With that being said the next season of the Jersey Shore will begin filming this Spring...IN ITALY! As expected Italian-American groups are furious saying that it's going to not only make the Italian community look bad but it will also make American's look bad because basically all of these people are the poster children for what European's think about Americans-loud, immature, obscene, sloppy, rude, and vapid. I don't really care about this whole ordeal although I do think it will be entertaining to watch them try to navigate around Italy and it's going to be hilarious if they clash with the culture that they're so proud to represent.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Only three months after being released Weezy is at it again! He's just released some tour dates for his 'I AM MUSIC II" tickets go on sale through Live Nation starting the weekend of February 4, 2011 and more dates are being announced soon!
Mar. 18: Buffalo, N.Y. (HSBC Arena)
Mar. 19: Columbus, Ohio (Nationwide Arena)
Mar. 20: Baltimore, Md. (First Mariner Arena)
Mar. 23: Hampton, Va. (Hampton Coliseum)
Mar. 24: Cleveland, Ohio (Quicken Loans Arena)
Mar. 26: Philadelphia, Pa. (Wells Fargo Center )
Mar. 27: Long Island, N.Y. (Nassau Coliseum)
Mar. 30: University Park, Pa. (Bryce Jordan Center)
Apr. 1: Chicago, Ill. (United Center )
Apr. 2: Detroit, Mich. (The Palace of Auburn Hills)
Apr. 3: Washington, D.C. (Verizon Center)
Apr. 6: Miami, Fla. (Bank Atlantic Center)
Apr. 8: Greensboro, N.C. (Greensboro Coliseum)
Apr. 9: Atlanta, Ga. (Philips Arena)
Apr. 10: St. Louis, Mo. (Scottrade Center)
Apr. 14: New Orleans, La. (New Orleans Arena)
Apr. 15: Dallas, Texas (American Airlines Arena)
Apr. 16: Houston, Texas (Toyota Center)
Apr. 19: Phoenix, Ariz. (US Airways Arena)
Apr. 23: Anaheim, Calif. (Honda Center)
Apr. 24: Oakland, Calif. (Oracle Arena )
Apr. 26: Sacramento, Calif. (ARCO Arena)
Apr. 28: Edmonton, Canada (Rexall Place)
Apr. 29: Vancouver, Canada (Rogers Arena)
May 1: East Rutherford, N.J. (Bamboozle Festival)
Two questions...1: Why isnt NY, NY on the list OR Tampa, FL and 2: Who even picked these cities. Moving along, with him on the tour is Nicki Minaj, Rick Ross, and Travis Barker!
Let's have a moment of silence for the now deceased Earlier today the highly entertaining website responsible for making black people look like animals, white folk look like trash, and the latin community like a bunch of ho's was SHUT DOWN. 50 Cent claimed via a series of tweets that he was responsible for the website being shut down and that his lawyers will have 2 more websites will be shut down by the end of the week. I am highly upset because WSHH provided an immense amount of comedy during my daily happenings. RIP WSHH.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
OH. MY. GOODNESS. Jeremy Scott has outdone himself with these Adidas Originals x Jeremy Scott winged flats AKA the feminine version of the JS Wings! L-O-V-E. Only about $183 and you can pre-order them HERE. You already know I had to cop.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Furniture & Crap
Marc Lauckhardt created this concept typography furniture! Pretty legit, if it's available to buy by the time I need furniture I'll be purchasing.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
IDIOT. Fountain Girl Suing.

If you recall a post from last week HERE you'll see this dumb bitch walk into a fountain because she was too busy texting. Well she goes by the name of Cathy Cruz Marrero who also happens to be 49 AKA old enough to know how to walk, well she's back and she's more of an idiot than I had imagined. First she complains that no one came to help her out of the fountain and goes on to say, "I could have been someones Mother, a senior citizen, blahblahblah"- AND- I still wouldn't have helped your ass out. And because of the video she's now in court because she's been a fugitive in a 2009 case where she allegedly stole a co-workers credit card and racked up $5000 dollars in purchases. Mind you SHE'S the one who came forward and identified HERSELF in the video. She also says she's mad that everyone has been laughing at her..........umm no one knew who you were until you came out of the woodwork. People these days are complete fools and I hope she doesn't get a dime from her fougaise ass lawsuit and she goes to jail for theft.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
This limited edition Burberry lip gloss charm can be yours for $85! Perfect for your keyring/handbag! Wonderful idea i just don't know about that horrid color.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Must Have
My favorite piece of equipment at the gym is the elliptical...on the rare occasion I actually go to the gym. But, neither here nor there, the Elliptigo is absolutely amazing! It's basically a moving elliptical that you ride outside and you can buy one for $2,499 by clicking the link!
No Comment
I don't know what all the hype is about Justin Bieber and people thinking he's so attractive. The picture above was taken at the Golden Globe's last night and without all the photoshop I'll let ya'll form your own opinions. For once, I'm keeping my mouth closed.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
$39,000 BATH TUB
If I had $39K laying around I would def. invest in this "Diamond Bathtub". It took artist Lori Gardner three years to create and is made of 44,928 imported pink crystals....and one real diamond. It's being sold for $39k and some of the proceeds will be donated to breast cancer research OR the charity of the buyers choice. You can also order a custom color version by e-mailing
Sex In Style...While Supporting a Cause.
These Sir Richards condoms not only look legit but for every pack you buy a condom gets donated to a developing country! You can buy them for $13 from Fred Segal, Paul Smith, Whole Foods, or Viceroy Hotels. And you gotta love the tagline, "Doing good has never felt better." HA!
Paint Your Own Sneakers!
For 42$ you can buy all the materials needed to paint your own sneakers (if they're made of leather). Sold through Urban Outfitters the JGoods kit includes; preparation wipes, waterproof leather paint, mixing jar, brush, and an instruction booklet. Even though it's meant for sneakers you can clearly use it to paint anything I sense another DIY coming along?
Britney Spears, Beyonce, Pink, and Enrique Iglesias all came together for this 3 minute thing for Pepsi. I wonder how much time/money went into this ridiculousness. It's not like the full thing is going to be aired on any television station as a commercial except perhaps the Super Bowl.
Oh No.
Someone needs to call CPS on this kids mother who let her daughter get "Snookified". To waste 1 minute and 23 seconds of your life watch the video below.
Friday, January 14, 2011
I AM DYING RIGHT NOW. You MUST watch the video. I mean I hope that was an intense text she was reading/writing because I cannot even fathom a text that would make me not notice a damn fountain! Actually, she was probably playing DoodleJump in which case I can totally understand how this happened.
Dirty Mind.
I don't know what your first thoughts are but mine were that someone needs to be fired for this ad that's currently featured in Sephora. I was innocently browsing through the mall when I was bombarded with sick, dirty, and illicit thoughts and images when my eyes just happened upon this image. I mean in all honestly who in their right mind would think this was an acceptable ad for anything other than some triple X type shit. Everything about this is just hilarious and how it managed to make it from the drawing board to production without someone saying, "Hey don't you think this is a tad too much," is beyond me. But in case your wondering its for a line of genitalia cleansing skin care products.
Fun Fact: While I was snapping a picture of the ad a group of people walked past, saw the ad, and started laughing uncontrollably in disbelief.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Taylor Swift- Back to December Video
Taylor Swift- Back to December
Other than the fact that she wrote this song for Taylor Lautner there's nothing more to say about this.
Sidenote: I can never get into music videos just knowing theyre not really singing but lip syncing which is clearly acceptable and the only way to get music videos recorded but I always end up looking at the artists lips and how fake it is.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Oprah needs to do an interview with this idiot just so the world can see what goes through the mind of a complete moron on a daily basis. Gucci Mane just jumped out of the crazy bin-literally a mental facility-a couple days ago and he was clearly discharged too early. Dumbass hit up Tenth Street Tattoo in Atlanta today and got another more ridiculous (yeah, I didn't think it was possibe either) tattoo on his face...from the owner Shane Willoughby! WHAT IS THIS FUCKERY?!
Honestly for him to think this decision- actually hold up for this thought to even come close to running through this head is unacceptable and is proof that he needs more mental help. I mean let's ignore the fact that he's probably trying to draw attention away from his charbroiled lips by tattooing some irrelevant mess that looks like permanent bags under his eyes and other irrelevant scribble around his face. Like, I'm just speechless that anybody regardless of their mental state would think this was anywhere near acceptable.
And actually after I wrote this post I realized what kind of tattoo artist would even do this?!
If Yo Had $180K to blow...
Kanye dropped $180K on this custom Tiret watch complete with about 8 carats of stones including; white, yellow, brown, and black diamons. If you remember from THIS POST Usher had a custom Tiret watch made as well for $250K. Principle: GET IT HOW YOU LIVE.
Mila & Macaulay Split
Mila Kunis and Macaulay Culkin broke up last week...HOLD UP: Mila Kunis and Macaulay Culkin were dating?! Yep, they had been together for 8 years and called it quits last week to the surprise of all their friends. Funny thing is no one knows why and all their friends are shocked; meanwhile I'm shocked they were ever an item in the first place. How this got past me I have no clue.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I hate Louboutin's website so I really wasn't about to deal with it long enough to grab shots of everything but here's a couple interesting styles few are cute most are crazy. I love the last pair the 'Lady Clou Spiked Bow Pumps' for $1195! To see the collection go here.
Verizon has just announced that the iPhone will be released February 3rd for existing customers and February 10th for everyone else! It looks the same as the iPhone 4. Prices with a new 2-year contract are:
199$ for 16GB
299$ for 32GB
You can go to Verizon's website for more information!
DOWNFALL: You can't talk on the phone and use data at the same time :[.
Today at 11AM EST Verizon will be announcing something....aka the iPhone. Go to for a live feed of the event!
However, I read an interesting argument urging customers not to switch or buy the Verizon iPhone just yet. As usual Apple comes out with a new iPhone every summer and this summer will be no different. Now, it may not be a completely different version-think more along the lines of when after the 3G came the 3G S-it will still be different and offer something new. If you buy the iPhone from Verizon now it'll be old news by the time summer rolls around, so you might as well wait.
Go HERE for more info on the matter.
p.s. It's rumored that Verizon MAY be getting the white version of the phone!
Monday, January 10, 2011
There's So Much Wrong With This
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Peep the full story at Journal Sentinel |
Susie Weber, 41, or Menasha, Wisconsin (wherever that is) biked to the hospital while she was in labor with her husband riding his own bike next to her....First off why is this lady having a baby at 41 you'd think her biological clock woulda' done ticked out; and second, just WTF.
Well I mean obviously this lady's a cook so there's nothing more to say."On the day my daughter was born, I stayed at home until my contractions were about three minutes apart and increasing in intensity. When it was time to go to the hospital, the last thing I wanted to do was get on a bike. But my husband had the bikes ready, my doctor was expecting to see my bike in the lot, and my own internal voice was telling me I couldn’t give up now."I somewhat reluctantly got on the bike and, to my surprise, enjoyed every minute of the ride, even when I was having a contraction. Despite all the dire warnings that I would crash my bike when the pain hit, I found that I could power through it. In fact, the contractions on the bike were the easiest to bear because I was distracted and doing something I love."
We All Need Tory Burch Travel Socks.
Tory Burch has just came out with these travel socks that are priced at $48 and come with a carry pouch. They're aimed to fill a void in the market for people who need socks to put on when going through airport security. Hmm. I wonder if this divorced mother of 3 would have made it this big without Oprah putting her on. And yes, I chose to completely ignore the god awful navy blue and orange.
Bald Miss Delaware to Compete in Miss America Pageant

Miss America contestant Kayla Martell aka Miss Delaware has alopecia areata which causes hair from various parts of the body- in some cases all parts-to fall out. She is completely bald and says she wants to prove that you can still be "bald and beautiful" and she's taking a stand. My only problem with this is that she'll be wearing 4 different wigs during the Miss America competition. If she wants to prove that "bald is beautiful"she should be going bald in the pageant. She's doing nothing by wearing wigs which as a result makes her appear not bald and people won't even assume that she is bald. I'm not saying bald isn't beautiful because clearly she's attractive either way and you obviously can be bald and still gorgeous (Amber Rose), I'm just pointing out the fact that by wearing wigs she's not proving anything because she'll look like any one of the other 52 contestants with a head full of hair. It's like someone with brown eyes saying they're going to prove brown eyes are beautiful while wearing green contacts.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Polaroid has just taken it to a whole new level of amazing. Not only is Lady GaGa the creative director for the iconic brand but they have literally just raised the bar. They unveiled three of their new products, including; the Polarez GL20 sunglasses, which let you take, view, and upload photos straight to the web through the glasses while not obscuring your sight. The Polaprinter GL10 a paperback book sized printer which can connect to virtually any device using either bluetooth or USB, and lastly the GL30 a reinvented spin on the classic Polaroid instant camera which snaps and prints images in the blink of an eye and it also has a 2.4" LCD screen which enables it to act as a digital photoframe! I'll be copping all three items as soon as they drop.
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