Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Oprah needs to do an interview with this idiot just so the world can see what goes through the mind of a complete moron on a daily basis. Gucci Mane just jumped out of the crazy bin-literally a mental facility-a couple days ago and he was clearly discharged too early. Dumbass hit up Tenth Street Tattoo in Atlanta today and got another more ridiculous (yeah, I didn't think it was possibe either) tattoo on his face...from the owner Shane Willoughby! WHAT IS THIS FUCKERY?! 
Honestly for him to think this decision- actually hold up for this thought to even come close to running through this head is unacceptable and is proof that he needs more mental help. I mean let's ignore the fact that he's probably trying to draw attention away from his charbroiled lips by tattooing some irrelevant mess that looks like permanent bags under his eyes and other irrelevant scribble around his face. Like, I'm just speechless that anybody regardless of their mental state would think this was anywhere near acceptable.

And actually after I wrote this post I realized what kind of tattoo artist would even do this?!

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