Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Verizon has just announced that the iPhone will be released February 3rd for existing customers and February 10th for everyone else! It looks the same as the iPhone 4. Prices with a new 2-year contract are: 
199$ for 16GB
299$ for 32GB 
You can go to Verizon's website for more information!

DOWNFALL: You can't talk on the phone and use data at the same time :[.

Today at 11AM EST Verizon will be announcing something....aka the iPhone. Go to  http://live.gizmodo.com/ for a live feed of the event! 

However, I read an interesting argument urging customers not to switch or buy the Verizon iPhone just yet. As usual Apple comes out with a new iPhone every summer and this summer will be no different. Now, it may not be a completely different version-think more along the lines of when after the 3G came the 3G S-it will still be different and offer something new. If you buy the iPhone from Verizon now it'll be old news by the time summer rolls around, so you might as well wait.

Go HERE for more info on the matter. 

p.s. It's rumored that Verizon MAY be getting the white version of the phone!

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