Saturday, December 11, 2010

Not Surprising

Untitled from BuzzFeed on Vimeo.

So Miley Cyrus turned 18 on November 23rd and already there's been nude pictures leaked and video of her smoking from a bong. The video above was shot about six days ago during a party at her house in California, TMZ reported it was taken by a friend and was then copied by someone else and sent to the tabloids. However, the substance in the bong was not weed, it was Salvia, a drug which is legal in California. Let me interrupt this story by saying Salvia is ridiculously more dangerous than weed and  yet weed is illegal...the immediate side effect of Salvia are:
Uncontrollable laughter
Past memories, such as revisiting places from childhood memory
Sensations of motion, or being pulled or twisted by forces
Visions of membranes
Merging with or becoming objects
Overlapping realities, such as the perception of being in several locations at once.
So really she was not even on planet earth. Everyone knows Miley's gone rogue so this shouldn't be a surprise, the question that should arise from this is, why is weed illegal and salvia not?

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