Tuesday, February 15, 2011

S&M gets S-U-E-D

The photos on the left are some of David LaChapelle's work, the photos on the right are stillshots of Rihanna's video for S&M.....not much needs to be said. David LaChapelle filed suite yesterday in a Manhattan federal court in which he's asking $1 million in damages because Rihanna copied his ass. 
Funniest thing about this is that LaChapelle considers Rihanna a dear friend of his and says the lawsuit is pure a business matter. He went on to tell Radar about his and Rihanna's relationship saying,"We've actually worked together before. I think about her every time I'm caught in the rain without my umbrella." 
Hmm, well that was an undercover bitch comment and I just cracked up; but in any case it's clearly obvious the video is an exact replica of his work. 

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