These are just some of the images that you may be seeing plastered on cigarette boxes in the near future. The FDA has proposed 36 labels like the ones pictured above for public comment and in June they will select the final labels and then cigarette companies will have 15 months to start using the new labels. They'll be required to take up half the pack and 20% of advertisements. Let me start by saying if you smoke cigarettes your an idiot for multiple reasons; first off, you're committing suicide because you're slowly killing yourself. Secondly, your being selfish because as everyone knows second hand smoke is worse than first hand and lastly, your just a moron because smoking is a dirty habit that makes everything about you smell. Oh yeah, and it's just extremely unattractive. It makes no sense to me that smoking cigarettes is perfectly legal and yet smoking weed isn't. But neither here nor there the ad's are a good idea.
If you smoke, would these images make you think twice?
SIDENOTE: I took the picture above somewhere in Western Europe, I can't remember where I think either Amsterdam or Ireland and as usual Europe is ahead of us once again with the phrases, 'Smoking Kills' and 'Smoking causes ageing of the skin'. On other boxes there were sayings like your doctor can help you quit and smoke harms others around you.