Wednesday, June 8, 2011


If you know me you know I LOVE Apple products. I have the iPad 2, iPhone 4, MacBook Pro, etcetc. I also update each device when a new one comes out...yeah, I know I'm obsessed. But, most exciting news I've heard all day is when Apple unveiled iOS 5 today (which is just the operating system that Apple devices run on). But, this also gives a glimpse of how amazing the iPhone 5 will be! The system is going to be released in the Fall which means the iPhone 5 should be coming around the same time if not a little after. Just when I thought the iPhone couldn't get any better it did! Every single upgrade is amazing but my fav is iMessage meaning now all you BlackBerry users that say, "Oh, well you don't have BBM," which is legit just glorified text messaging now will have nothing on the iPhone. Suck on that. 
Sidenote: this post just made me look crazy.

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